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How to Have a Retail Security in Supermarket

Views: 37     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-30      Origin: Site

Whether you own a small corner store or a multi-chain supermarket, you need to protect your business from the threats of damage and theft caused by the increase in retail crime over the years.


Supermarkets are large businesses and are profitable targets for criminals who have large inventories and conduct large numbers of transactions every day. And, coupled with poor security measures, make them more attractive targets.


Cases such as shoplifting, vandalism, anti-social behavior, and hate crime not only affect the company financially, but also have a huge impact on the safety and well-being of employees and customers.


What can be done to minimize such threats? There are many security measures that supermarket owners can take, such as installing security systems, which can not only deter criminals, but also help them catch them when they choose to act badly.


Read on to understand why supermarkets need security and the best security system, not only to make their customers and employees feel safe, but also to save owners a lot of money in the long run:


Why do supermarkets need security solutions?

Supermarkets are large retail areas with a large amount of valuable inventory. They have all kinds of things, from food to household items, equipment, tools, and machinery.


Developing a comprehensive safety plan to prevent accidents can be extremely beneficial to supermarket owners and managers.


Supermarkets are the target of criminal activities such as theft, burglary, break-in and shoplifting. These are the main challenges faced by almost all retailers, and supermarkets are therefore facing a high degree of loss.


Robbery crimes involving forced entry and theft of goods are also common, usually when the supermarket is closed and there is no one at night.


Attacks and abuses on supermarket employees and other customers may also cause people to actively avoid the negative shopping experience of going to the relevant supermarket.


They may also face vandalism, including graffiti and damaged property, usually "just for fun."


In addition to the interior of the supermarket, outside areas such as parking lots may also be subject to unauthorized access. If not controlled, customers may be in danger and cars may be stolen.



Supermarkets can benefit from various types of security systems to protect their inventory, property, employees, and customers from security risks. they are:




More and more people believe that CCTV cameras can help monitor their property and, most importantly, can deter criminals.


Since the supermarket covers a large area, it can be a bit difficult to check every corner, and shoplifters will take advantage of this.


CCTV cameras in supermarkets can not only deter criminals, but also help catch them. This fear of being recorded and arrested can prevent shoplifters from stealing valuable inventory.


This applies to various security threats, including break-ins, violence, and abuse of supermarket employees.


In addition, CCTV cameras can also help supermarket owners and managers check their employees and their performance.


If no one is watching, they may want to sleep at work, steal inventory from stores and cash from the checkout, or give people discounts by not scanning items.


Knowing that they are monitored at work will ensure that they perform their duties due diligence and are honest with their employers.


Video surveillance systems can also help crowd control in supermarkets, which is very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic, and social distancing must be enforced in all public and private places.


CCTV cameras also help supermarket owners and managers by providing verification in disputes between employees and customers about pricing, returns or exchanges.


The recorded CCTV footage can be checked immediately to see who was at fault, and disputes can be resolved easily without escalating out of control.


CCTV footage is legal evidence that not only helps resolve disputes, but also helps law enforcement agencies identify and arrest the perpetrators of serious crimes committed near supermarkets.


The correct placement of CCTV cameras plays an important role in their effectiveness. It is best to conduct a thorough risk assessment of the supermarket, which not only helps to identify high-risk areas, but also helps you choose the type of CCTV camera that best suits your requirements.


In supermarkets, they must be installed in a way that covers the largest area. The most common installation points are all entrances and exits, near cash registers, and all different aisles, especially aisles, storage areas and supermarket parking lots that are not clearly visible from the front.


When installing CCTV cameras, you must ensure that they are of good quality and allow clear shots to be recorded so that they can be used to detect criminals when needed.


For this, you need to check the camera's resolution and picture quality, which can be anywhere between 720p and 4K. The higher the resolution, the clearer the picture.


Some other important features to be aware of include motion sensors, field of view, night vision, notification alerts, professional CCTV monitoring, storage options, facial recognition, weather and vandalism, built-in alerts, and integration with other security systems.




All retail stores and supermarkets have areas that are vulnerable to theft, such as secure cash offices and storage rooms, which are vulnerable to external and internal theft.


It is very important to use security locking mechanisms to protect these areas from unauthorized access. However, due to the high rate of employee turnover and the use of traditional lock and key systems, it can be expensive to rekey or replace the lock every time an employee leaf.


This is where the access control system comes in. The access control system is a keyless entry system that provides a safe, reliable, and cost-effective solution for controlling unauthorized access.


They work using various authentication methods, such as access cards and biometrics, where credentials are verified against a stored database to grant or deny access.


Access control systems are more secure than traditional keys, can be easily copied and shared, and they simplify the management process by allowing users to access multiple doors in multiple locations, all of which have centralized and remote management.


Using the access control system makes it easier to manage permissions, and any changes can be made instantly from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.


If an employee leaves, you can simply delete their credentials from the system, which will automatically revoke their access rights. It's that simple!


More importantly, the access control system allows you to track user access, which is impossible to achieve with traditional locks and keys.


You can check which user visited which area at what time and any failed attempts.


Event logs allow employers to better control and understand who enters the restricted area of the supermarket when and when, and help them understand whether employees are habitually late.


In the event of a security incident (such as inventory theft), the accurate records provided by the system help to summarize a timetable, help track who visited the area where the incident occurred, and accurate time stamps.


Some of the most common authentication methods used in access control systems include access cards, keyboards/passwords, biometrics, smart locks, and remote access.


Among them, biometric technology and smart locks are the most secure authentication methods. Although both cards and passwords can be lost or shared, biometric technology eliminates all these problems because it uses your unique biometric characteristics (such as fingerprints, retina scans, and facial recognition) to grant access.


Remote access or smart lock enables users to control the lock from a remote location. They can use a smartphone, tablet, or computer to lock or unlock the door instead of being close to the locking mechanism.


To increase security, you can also enable two-factor authentication, which requires two forms of authentication to verify your identity.




An anti-theft alarm is an integral part of any security system. The system consists of sensors that will immediately sound an alarm as soon as any abnormal activity is detected.


What makes them so effective is that they can detect subtle differences and issue alarms to remind everyone nearby what is happening.


All the attention brought by the detection and alarm makes the anti-theft alarm part of the three major security systems in the supermarket, including closed-circuit television cameras and access control systems.


They can be placed in all entrances and exits and restricted areas around supermarkets, very helpful in detecting intrusions during the day and night.


You can choose an anti-theft alarm that only uses bells, it will make a loud sound, and sometimes it will be accompanied by flashing lights to alert nearby people of intrusions. These are systems that are not monitored and are best suited for smaller, low-risk supermarkets, where there is no large amount of valuable content to protect.


Dialer anti-theft alarms provide a higher level of response assurance than a bell-only system, because in addition to sounding a loud alarm, they will also automatically contact the supermarket owner, manager, or anyone designated to contact when the alarm is triggered.


For maximum protection and to ensure that intrusions are not detected, especially at night when the house is vacant, you can choose a professional alarm monitoring service, where the system is connected to the alarm reception center (ARC) of the professional monitoring system.


First verify the alert, and then immediately contact the relevant person or authority based on the type of contract (key holder or police response).


With smart anti-theft alarms, you can use apps on your smartphone or tablet to receive instant notifications when any suspicious activity is detected. They also allow you to remotely control the system from your mobile phone and connect to all compatible devices, including security cameras, lights, and other sensors.



Highbright Enterprise Limited was founded in the year 2004, start with supermarket equipment and warehouse equipment as mainly business.


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